When you are getting ready to buy your first vehicle, there are a million things to consider like, whether to choose a car with automatic or manual locks and windows, whether to go for the moon roof or a spoiler, and whether or not to hang fuzzy dice over the rear-view mirror. But there is an even bigger decision on the horizon for a new car owner, and that is what kind of insurance to have on their new vehicle.
The first step in wading through the mire of insurance dos and don’ts is to get a good agent working for you. Agents can compare the prices of many different insurance companies and help you get discounts. Since newer drivers tend to have more expensive rates due to their inexperience, the ability agents have of hooking you up with discounts is an extremely valuable thing.
Then, you must work with your agent to get the proper coverage for your state, your car, and your potential liabilities. Click to read the different types of insurance coverages along with deductibles and limits for each. Call us at (630) 590-6200 to get an Chicago auto insurance quote.